
Don't sink in the sand!


04-26-2013, 06:31 AM
The cavern felt nice as the heat of her body began to rise from her soaked coat. She knew the youth was running. After all, she had been that girl once. Her ears twitched as she confirmed her suspicion and she smiled with sympathetic eyes. ?Running is never the answer. It?s hard to face what enrages us. Your king will miss your absence and I am certain he will come look for you.? She said, she was sure if any of the youth of Lentajin had vanished then she would have done the same. She would search them out until she found them and brought them back. Though it seemed her alpha cared not to learn of her pain. It was troubling but not her pack and not her place to judge. All she could do was learn from the others and be better.

< font color=#ede6f2> ?Your home might not feel like home but its in your blood.?
Her voice held a softness that was almost a whisper. Her home had been Voltaine. She had the blood of an heir in her body and she always wondered if that?s why she surpassed the role of pawn to her master. She hadn?t meant to. She had enjoyed belonging to Zara and doing what she could to make her happy. Their relationship was broken now but she knew it was never to late to fix it. ?If you still feel this way when you?re a little older I can offer you a place in my kingdom. I care for those I rule over. I want to know them all. Be what they need me to be.? Her voice shone with pride when she spoke of her pack. They had become a family to her and she was trying to branch it out to others. The feeling of completion was overwhelming to her and she would fight for her home.

As it is, I?d like to know what?s troubling you, if you?d like to tell me and when your story is over id like to walk you home. Your pack and mine are on the verge of creating an alliance. Since I am certain he will be missing you I would like to escort you know and meet this king. I have yet to meet him. I have only met his ambassador and I would feel better knowing that I brought you home safely.?
She said honestly. She was curious as to what was bothering the child and perhaps she if vented a little it would make her feel less troubled. She was also planting the idea that if she wanted to leave Tortuga, she could find a home in Lentajin.