
Outside In



01-22-2014, 04:00 PM

The terrain surrounding the caramel and burnt brute seemed to ripple under the weight of an eternal wind so strong even the stone could not stand before it. As if sculpted, the red, tan, gold, and brown rock flowed smoothly into gullies and archways and domes and buttes. Every now and then a monolithic pillar would rise upwards and scratch the sky, ofttimes with large boulders perched precariously upon their pinnacles. The sun was hot here, too hot for springtime in his opinion, and the large male grimaced. To the east of him, dark clouds marred the horizon and he could see sheets of rain plummeting to the earth. Lighting waged war in the sky, illuminating the black, blue, and purple clouds more often than he had ever seen. Certainly it would be cooler there, but the land did not lure him in for that fact.

Razo had spent the better part of his day roaming the rolling terra, awed by it's mere existence. The palette of the land was exquisite, and it's presence was awe inspiring. Canyons hundreds of feet deep seemed as naturally places as ripples in a calm pond. The stone was smooth under paw, and he had caught a decent lunch of jackrabbits hiding amongst the sparse shrub. The land had no shortage of caverns and caves, of course, but he saw no need o explore darkness when the colors about him were so lovely. There was little noise aside from the whistling of the wind. Once that might had sent the man into a state of alarm, anticipating an ambush or something of the like, but now it was peaceful. His hulking mass slid slowly down atop a particularly large ridge, resigning himself to eying this storm of storms, wondering if it might head his way.

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