
My Sister's Keeper

Twig I


01-22-2014, 05:48 PM

The woman would continue on her journey, hoping beyond hope that she would catch scent of one of her siblings. The necessities of life would wind themselves within her movements and trip her up where ever she went. This time her search would be for the life giving water, her thirst needed quenched. Following the scent of water in the air Ashley would let her feet follow it to the bank of a river. It's expanse seemed endless, the winding of its large body would take her over the horizon and onward. It was a temptation in itself to just follow the river forever, had she not her task at hand she would have done it.
Her approach was slow, like that of a lover taking his time. She wanted to enjoy this experience, the gentle sound of the water's gurgle would tickle her ears. Slowly her crown would dip to its surface, allowing her salmon colored tongue to lap up the refreshing liquid. She would become satisfied of her drink, as her head pulled up once more she would let a sigh of contentment flow from parched lips. The mild spring sun would continue rising above her, its rays coaxing the damp grass to dry. She would for a moment lose herself in the beauty of the day, right before an astounding scent found her nose. Angel
Her body would grow rigid, and for a moment she would doubt herself, could it truly be her little sister was really here? She could already feel their bodies embracing, it had been two months she was searching for them, and now finally could her sibling really be within her grasp?
