
Outside In



01-22-2014, 08:23 PM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

Razo's eyes sharpened on a pale figure that emerged at a run from the storm plagued landscape. The clouds seemed to mass over top of her as she went and he grimaced, wondering if whoever approached was some sort of ironic omen from the gods. He sighed, noting as she noted him, and noting too that unlike many others she did not approach. She seemed instead to glower briefly and descend into the rocks farther down the slope, slipping amongst them like a spirit. He knew instead that she had only delved into one of the many caverns, but it made her seem no less ethereal. He blinked quickly, trying to make out what had just happened. For all intents and purposes she seemed to be on the run from the storm, but perhaps there was something else plaguing her as well? She had looked wary and sullen at a glance, perhaps injured or weak. Razo, in his attempts to become not only kind but chivalrous as well, thought that perhaps it was his duty now to help her.

He wavered. Surely the fae did not want to be bothered. The massive brute had done his best and beyond to avoid the mean spirited, less they lend a spark to his demon's kindling, and he had no indicators of this wolf's personality besides the fact that she had looked less than pleased with his presence. I should probably just leave her be... He thought to himself. So why, then, was he rising? He sighed and grumbled as he cast about the area. If that storm was blowing this way the gods only knew when they might be able to leave the shelter of the caves. The rolling thunder had the rodents all a-quiver, and he thought perhaps he would do well to capture one for the fae. It was a quick business, no more than a few moments time, to scatter one from it's hiding place. With the dead mammal in jaw, he made his way down the slope. "Hello?" He called out, voice muffled by the carcass, not wanting to surprise her or burst in. He came to the front of the breach and stumbled back at her defensive, fur puffing outwards. A growl tried to bubble up into his throat, his ears tried to pin backwards, but both instincts were pushed down. Instead he tossed the rabbit her way, nervous, hoping it would land at her feet instead of smacking her in the face. "Sorry! No, please, I'm not here to harm you!" He only hoped she would believe him.

"Talk" Think "You"