



4 Years
01-22-2014, 08:55 PM

Lightning lit up the ominous tower of clouds that lingered silently like a predator on the horizon. Baldur's ice blue eyes focused on the point of approaching danger before, with a flick of his tail, he turned and continued on his way. It wasn't close enough to be an immediate threat. He'd just have to keep an eye on things while he scavenged for a midnight snack. Glancing back to where his brother was probably snoring up a storm, Baldur frowned. Thor was terrible tempermental and he wasn't sure if his older brother would appreciate him disappearing in the middle of the night with out a word. But that was a possibility, waking Thor up in the middle of the night was a certain way to spend the night sore and bleeding. He'd take his chances.

With a deep breath he started pushing through the underbrush toward the sound of water. Baldur had been travelling for what seemed like ages to reach the famed lands of Alacritis and a future that wasn't so strictly died to the ideas of the past. He knew a wealth of his siblings had already journeyed here and while it pained him to leave his twin, Hoder behind, he'd taken the leap. Things were getting uncomfortable at home and he'd gotten himself in a few tangles that he didn't care to stick around and sort out. It was for the best. Surely.

The large brute slipped through cattails like smoke, surprisingly calculated movements for one of his size. He could be graceful in his caution. Before him stretched lighting bugs across the pond like a blanket of stars? It would have been pretty if it weren't for the hoard of mosquitos. Baldur's skin shuddered to dislodge the creatures intent on his blood when a familiar voice, the embodiment of agitation, slipped into his ears.

"Go away, pests?"

Well, didn't that sound familiar? Great. So Weth had made the journey too. He'd always had a bit of a tempestuous relationship with his sister. Suddenly, a flash of lighting and a booming explosion of thunder caused Baldur to half jump out of his skin as a violent gust of wind swept up bringing with it rain. What! Already? He groaned. So much for keeping an eye on the weather.

And then he saw her, a soaked and probably pissed off Weth. All the same, he couldn't come across a family member and just ignore her. "Hey Sis? you look like crap!" He was aware he probably didn't look much better with his snow white coat bound to start collecting mud and dirt and already gathering an interesting assortment of burrs. Paw up to scratch his ear he grinned, "Well, at least the mosquitos and bugs won't bother us. Thor and I made a den aways back in a thicket near the trees if you wanted to chance it. He's probably raging at the wind right now."