
Tell the world i'm coming home

Knight Cloud

01-22-2014, 09:42 PM

Knight watched quietly as the two younger kids he came to know soaked in all the information. And then allowed them to ask their own questions to the female, a gaze of curiosity falling upon the woman as the children asked about their sibling. Knight new there were others asides from Mercianne's children, the siblings of Oracle and Galahad were out there somewhere, and with this new information that Midnight had given soon after he would consult with Mercianne and find the Valhallan pack to speak with Odette. Perhaps she would know something, and perhaps not. There was only one way he could find out, and he did not want to waste any time in doing so.

What she had to say next, however, grabbed his attention the moment it had left her lips. The cove was being taken over? Had a pack decided to take this safe haven? Did they not know that a small band of rogues lived here? Perhaps they didn't care...but he knew they could no longer stay here. He would go off in search of a safer place...a place where they could live in peace and safe away from the incoming pack. He didn't know who they were, or what intentions they had...but he would not risk Mercianne or her children being claimed by them. He would fight tooth and claw and possibly even to the death for her family, as long as she was safe.

"Thank you for sharing this information with me, Midnight. I will have to inform Mercianne right away, and I must now search for a safe place for us all...Without the mother and father of the children I have heard so much about, I have taken it upon myself to be the Guardian here." He looked at her with a renewed sense behind forest green eyes, though it was difficult to tell what it was. Perhaps it was a stronger sense of wanting to protect the lost band, and an even stronger sense to find Kestrel and the other missing children. If they left the cove, what if they had come back to find they were no longer here, and instead ran into the pack that was taking away their home? He would have to act fast, before all was lost. "Will you be coming with us? Assuming we find a new place of safety, or will you be continuing on your own?"
