
Stirring the Embers of Desire



11 Years
01-23-2014, 02:23 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2014, 11:57 AM by Bane.)
Bane relished the pleasurable sound of his mate's throaty laughter, an up and down rubbing of his whitish muzzle under her golden eyes given to wipe away her tears. Both of the wolves tongues caressed one another muzzles and cheeks, in joy and in celebration of having one-another to themselves. Even as Tahlia grazed her forelegs along his sides and her paws loosely touched his shoulders Bane couldn't help but give a shiver of contentment. "Damn the pack. They can wait while we make our own romance on this evening we'll have together." The aging male buried his nose against her neck and deeply inhaled Tahlia's scent, slowly making his tongue travel from the base of her neck to her chin before nudging his mate's sides to make her turn over and stand up.

Bane's breathing quickened as Tahlia stood for him, his paws reaching up to gingerly wrap his forelegs around Tahlia's hips. He adjusted himself to stretch over Tahlia's back and licked the corner of her maw before settling comfortably on top of her. "For as long as I can too; I'll try to make this evening last Tahlia." Bane rumbled, a lusty growl vibrating against her body as the ex-Talutah wolf grabbed the scruff of his mate's neck and pulled as he began a slow and long lasting tempo. An evening to remember...

-Fade to Black-


-Fade in-

Bane held himself on top of Tahlia's back for a moment when their bodies freed up and lustful actions were over, a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction having overcome the spent male. How was Tahlia feeling? Did she enjoy it? Bane cast his gaze over Tahlia's neck as his paws finally loosened their firm grip on her hips, the male's remaining eye remorsefully staring at the sparse streaks of blood hidden beneath her neck fur. "One more time before you have to go? To hold us over until the next time we see one another?" Bane hushed as he slid off the side of Tahlia's back and started cleaning his mate's neck as a rumbling growl reverberated from his throat. Had he hurt her?
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•