
Plot With Roamer


01-23-2014, 05:35 AM
Who do I have?


Now about them?

Here's the breakdown:

Cerberus, is the son of Morphine and Creedance. He has three full-siblings: Nephele(Aly's who is MIA), Vicodin (Muse's), Novocaine (Lolaf's). He also has three half siblings: Artemis(Aly's), Ares(Kat's), and Codiene (Seren). While family threads are always welcome, and will be given priority, I would like him to meet other wolves, and other creatures to create a diverse social experience. He is chaotic evil aligned, and basically has no fear. He's a rouge. He is disrespectful and inquisitive, and makes for an interesting thread. I really want to develop him some more and find out some cool things about him. (I feel the need to note that he is a gigantic ass-hat, and extremely disrespectful.) -Depending on the outcome of the Artemis X Azalea DM, he'll be going to Elysium

Creedance Voltaire, is the ruthless rouge villain. His list of crimes is long, from murder, maim, and rape. The man is vile. He is however slated for death, but that is a little ways off. So, he's open for plots. He does have some redeeming qualities. He doesn't attack everyone he meets nor does he have the inclination too. He will not suffer fools, threads with over-ego'd wolves will be short, as he won't stay there. He's open for any plotting from violence to casual meetings. He's pretty developed and always surprising me. He is also a chaotic evil so anything and I mean anything can happen. He has fathered children of Morphine and Vi, and is open for three more matings for year 3.

Eris, is the Sage of Glaciem. She's tiny, standing only at twenty three inches. She's compassionate and kind to anyone. She is daring and won't take being talked down too well. She stands up for her beliefs and is trying to raise her daughter, Irune to the best of her abilities. She's mentally scarred. The trauma that she has endured is a mile long. She's looking for a friend, someone to confide in and she has no love interest or mate. However, her status in Glaciem means that any mate/love would have to approved by Isardis. While she's open for anything, she spends the majority of her time in Glaciem. Pack threads get priority.

Genesis, is the son of Isardis and Argent. He's a half of a year old, and has two direct siblings, Vereux (Sei's), and Athena (Shelby's). All of the Armada's are related to him in some way. He's protective and currently angry with his mother. His personality is still developing and all plots with him should take place in Glaciem territory, or on the borders, as he is too young to be off on his own too far. Family & Pack, threads with him are always welcome and will be given priority.

Osiris, is my new wolf. Now, he's a neutral as they come. It simply depends on the day that you catch him whether you deal with the darkness of death or the light of resurrection. His sister Cruella has express permission to enter any kind of thread he's in, and threads with her are given priority. He's never to far from her, and still pretty fresh and moldable. Any plot is open with him.

Roman Armada, the two year Mistress of Tortuga. Spitfire personality, and lawfully evil. Loyal to her family, believes they're superior than others though she's always interested to meet those not of her blood. She's attracted to royal others, as she views herself as royalty. Pack and family threads are priority for her, but she's open to meet anyone, and is very interested in recruiting people for Tortuga. No romantic interests, but as a daughter of the king, any mate would have to be daddy-approved. She's not monogamous however and is growing to be rather casual about sexual things. Will meet anyone and everyone.

Seth Jaeger, a youth of Glaciem, but not related to the Armada's. He's really open plot wise. His personality has drifted to being far more open then I imagined and needs development. He's a jokester and friendly. No plans for him, at the moment, he's just kind of there.

Valerius Adravendi, The lost son of Cairo X Alice, along with his three siblings they're hunting the land of their father. Recently arrived in Veronica Plains, and met Erani.

Soooo, there's my group. Links to their bio's on the first list, please ignore the reconstruction of the profiles. I'm redoing them all right now. <3 Comment below if you'd like to plot! :D