



4 Years
01-23-2014, 10:38 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2014, 10:39 AM by Baldur.)
ooc: effing server errors....

Weth whirled on Baldur in her characteristic anger, with hackles raised and fangs bared but Baldur barely flinched. One ear flicked back and he grinned, not in the least surprised. For the most part he was used to his sister's characteristic temper enough to joke with her. At least, she wasn't as quick to physical violence like Thor was but they'd had their fair share of spats and fights and he knew she probably wasn't above battling him right there and then if he went to far. However, Weth was always concerned with her appearance. She thought she was the hottest thing on four legs and blood and bruises weren't necessarily attractive.

Baldur laughed at her comment all to aware that he looked like a soggy, matted lamb. "Fair enough, Weth. Though at least I don't look like I swallowed a slug." He jabbed at the sour expression on her face. The sour expression he'd come to recognize her by when she wasn't flaunting herself in front of some potential one night stand. Weth shook out her coat and Baldur followed suit all to aware that the gesture was mostly futile. The rain was falling down harder and harder now. A thought crossed his mind to rush forward and push her into the lake then run like hell but while impulsive he wasn't stupid and there wasn't too much fun in soaking an already wet sister. And truly, deep down he cared for Weth and the majority of his siblings, even if his affections for Loki were really, really deep down. Hati was another matter? and after all Weth was from his litter. In some ways he felt that made her special.

"That sounds disgustingly tempting, brother, but Thor and I have equally terrible tempers, and I would rather not have my sexy ass kicked tonight."

Baldur chuckled. "Believe me I know. I'd rather not get caught between you and Thor and torn to shreds." Though he'd be perfectly fine snacking on some frogs and watching the two go at each other.

Weth asked him what the heck he was doing out here and the brute shrugged sheepishly as another flash of lightning cut the sky. "I was hungry and going out for a midnight snack. Though I could ask you much the same. What is her royal sexiness doing out here in a place like this? No line of suitors waiting to cover you with their bodies to shield your preciousness from the weather's onslaught?" The rain started pouring down harder and Baldur's ears flattened against his skull as his stomach roared. Dam? well everything was probably taking shelter so he'd have to skip his snack. Stretching he grinned once again. "Well if you want to stay out here in your rain soaked pride be my- OW!"

Baldur shook his head as he was struck with a small hail stone. What the- and then it started to hail and his moderately cheerful mood instantly turned into one almost as sour as his sisters as a light growl rumbled from his throat. Eff this weather? just eff it.

"Well, I think I'll? oo! Suffer Thor's wrath rather than stay out in this oww!? grrr?" With a flick of his rain soaked tail, Baldur turned to walk away, grumbling under his breath.