
Poor baby



6 Years
01-24-2014, 07:38 AM

It really hadn't been her fault.

She'd taken refuge in Lover's Mangrove to wait out the storm rather than off adventuring as she so wanted to be. How exciting would it be to see a tornado rip a tree from the ground? To see the fierce whipping of the branches in the wind, the howling downpour of rain? But it would be expected of students not to be putting themselves in harm's way just for a lark, so Satu had holed up in the safer - and much more boring - Ludicael pack lands.

She'd been there in her den not long ago, boredly watching the lightning lace across the sky - beautiful and fascinating at first, but with days of nothing but drizzle and lightning she was getting tired of it - when she'd gotten the urge to go get a drink. That was it, just a drink. She wasn't wandering out of the territory or anything, just going down to one of the pools to drink.

And now she was here, shivering and shaking and sick as anything. Miserable, she retched, but she'd already been so sick that nothing happened. It was awful, and she just wanted it to stop... she swore she'd stay in her den this time until the storm was over, not leaving or even thinking about leaving until the storm passed, just so long as this nasty sickness would just go away... but she was too miserably shaky and weak to even go track down a healer.

So she remained, oblivious to the rainwater that leaked through her temporary tree shelter to soak her head, curled around her painful stomach.
