
out of the darkness & into the sun



7 Years
01-24-2014, 12:59 PM

Her visit with Atlas had been enlightening and her vacation from Amenti had been comforting, but it was time to make the return journey. It would be slow going and she hoped that no one would worry, but she needed to skirt the storm to keep herself safe. So far her senses had kept her out of any serious danger, only allowing herself to enter the areas least affected if she could not avoid it at all. The gentle rain that fell for much of the journey was soothing, cleansing her body of the exhaustion of walking and the stress of her recent days.

Now, laying by the lake, the drops concealed her tears. Natalya was not one for emotions - for the most part they had been trained out of her through both physical and mental lessons. She would never show her sadness or her fears to anyone, but now that she was alone she let some loose. The queen was lonely without her king or her princes at her side. Her devotion to Olympus was never-ending, but the other family members simply weren't enough. She wanted her love and her life back, and she did not know when or how she would get them.

The tears came slowly, barely even there, but she felt them and loathed them. She could hear the buzzing of insects around her and used the noise to distract herself, to pull her out of her thoughts and into the world. She wished she could see what was around her, enjoy the beauty of the world. But without Helios to describe it, she would never know of the fireflies that surrounded her and the lake as the rain slowly became lighter and lighter and the storm began to move on, as she would soon have to once again.