
My Sister's Keeper

Twig I


01-24-2014, 04:19 PM

She was sure that Madieke had visited this place recently, her scent was so fresh she could have been lying in the grass somewhere. Her crown would reach it's full height as she drew herself up to her full 29 inches. She could feel a nervousness build up within the pit of her stomach as she thought about what this could possibly mean. She wouldn't have to travel alone anymore, she'd have her sister there by her side again. They could look for the rest of the family together, and neither of them would have to worry about coming home to a lonely den. Her violet gaze would search the reeds around her, hoping to see a shape moving away.. or even. Paws! Two white paws not much smaller than her own would lift into the air.
A bark of pure bliss would leave the cross marked girl's mouth as she felt her tail begin to wag rapidly. This had to be her sister, this had to be Angel. She would whine as words slipped from her inky lips, "Sister?! Madieke?" She would take a tentative step towards the spot she hoped her kin was laying. So close was she to reuniting with the one she'd searched for. Almost four months had passed since she had taken sight of her...

I can talk!