
One Step Forward...



4 Years
01-24-2014, 06:09 PM

A hazy yellow glow sifted through the throng of willow trees from the late afternoon sun while thunder continued to rumble in the distance. It had just finished raining a sort while ago and the snow bright male slipped from his shelter in the roots of a massive weeping willow tree. The wind was still sifting through them casting eerie, shifting reflections on the pond that acted as the central water source here. Ponds and rains. So far Baldur only had one impression of Alacritis? wet.

Slipping through the veil of leaves Baldur shook out his coat and bent at the overflowing pond to gulp down the cool, clear water. When he was finished he licked his lips and stretched. He supposed he ought to find Thor again but it was kind of nice to strike off on his own for a bit. Hmm?

Baldur let out a heavy sigh. What were they doing here? He'd left to find something, family? Freedom? Himself? Now that he'd made it to Alacritis he wasn't really sure what to do with himself. Did he want to join a pack? Just wander about with his brother Thor? Start a family?

A low growl emitted from the brute's throat. He always seemed to be able to steer through life on his daily whims and wants but when it came right down to the big picture he'd no idea what to do with himself and never really needed to. He was the fourth born, the first of the second litter. Their father was hellbent on shaping the first three into lord only knew what? the younger pups were backup. And to Baldur, expendable. Then Hati took away any chance Baldur had of discovering his purpose within that pack and of whether or not he'd ever meant anything to his father. And mother?.. a sign slipped from his lips.

So, now what? what exactly were any of them supposed to do?