
Keep In Touch


01-24-2014, 07:42 PM

The little girl was quick with her reply, explaining to the giantess that she had heard talk of Jupiter's disappearance and wanted to confirm any rumours that might reach her ears. A slow nod would be the woman's reply, acknowledging the girl's statement. Slowly Odette would shift her tiny frame and rest her itty bitty tiara upon the chest of the larger alabaster lady. A soft inquiry would leave the sweet child's dark lips, bringing a soft grin to the features of the ivory femme. Oddly enough, the pup's mismatched gaze would fall upon the wall of Aurora's den, instead of the pale features of the older she wolf. A chuckle would escape her regal maw, and slowly would a reply be forthcoming. "My dearest Odette, love is a fickle thing. It strikes you when you least expect it, and it just fits itself into your heart and soul. There is no control one may have upon it, but it is stronger than anything. My mate and I met because of Song, actually. She thought we might be well fitting, and she was right indeed." Silken Russian lyrics would explain, soft tones reaching downwards to caress the lobes of the youngster. Liquid mercury gaze would fall to the crown of the petite lass, taking in her sweet face. After this meeting, the pair may not see each other again. The thought saddened her, but she would not be disheartened, at some point, all would meet again.