
when the world splits open


04-26-2013, 06:27 AM

The world was silent. Night had closed its hands around the sun and snuffed out her life. The sentries of the night stood watch as the behemoth made her way back to her home. She had been tired recently. The weight of the world seemed to be in her stomach and now she started to feel sharp cracks in her ribs. Something had told her to go home. To find safety. She was unaware that it would soon be time for the world to see her children. Pain wracked at her sides but she enjoyed the feel so she paid it no mind.

Everything was gray, with hints of red, as her body moved on autopilot. She was to high from the pain to truly understand what was happening. Her home came into focus and she moved lazily towards it. one wave of heavy pain and she stopped in her tracks. Her violet eyes winded as she winced. No matter how much she endured it was never enough for her craving. She waited for the wave to pass and continued to her den. Something told her to call. She would need champion. She lifted her head and howled.

As her song finished she moved towards the mouth of her den. She pulled low to the ground as she all but crawled into it. Once inside she allowed herself to fall to the earth and relax. Her breathing was heavy and another wave hit her. She moaned in response and curled into herself. If this was what childbirth was like then perhaps she would find herself with pups every heat season. It was magnificent. Every time she thought it wouldn?t get any more intense the pain seemed to slap her in the face and prove her wrong.

She wondered where Kaios was. They had seemed to be bonding ever so much. She knew he had some trouble that would come to the pack. Chaos was what she was good at and it was ironic that she found someone to care for her that was in a sense identical to her. Though, he wasn?t as crazy as she was. She wondered if her mind would recede back to normal once all the hormones left her body. She couldn?t wait to enjoy a good spar. She would ask champion to spar with her when she was healed from giving birth to the pups. It would feel good to have the weight of the world off her stomach and be able to glide into battle once more. Being pregnant had been frustrating and her violent ways had been put on hold. She wondered if that would be the case with her children. If they would inherit her desires but she was certain they wouldn?t. What ever it was that had broken her wouldn?t affect her pups. They hadn?t been there that day. The day it all changed.
