
Nightmare [Segar]


03-20-2013, 03:51 AM
She thrashed against invisible demons, fur ruffling, shaking. Claws scraped the dirt that lay upon the floor of her den, joining grooves already present, her jaws opened in an attempt to draw air, and just as suddenly as all of those thrashing had started, it stopped. Silver hued oculars snapped open and she sat up, panting with the effort of breath. They plagued her like an angry crew of hornets. Again and again and again. Even the voices grew sluggish and slow. They would not let her be.

She growled. A sound torn between pain and irritation. A bit of rest was all she wished for, she could not maintain an air of flamboyancy and grace without it. It was so rare that Ghost lost her composure. Silver hued orbs bore into the black surroundings. No moon colored the sky this eve, the sky was empty, vacant, and their land a swirling vortex of ink. Ghost had never feared the dark before.

Her claws caught the ground beneath her, pads forcing her body to rocket through the trees, propelling on memory alone. For once, she flew. Paws pounding the earth with a silent fury, her long coat fluttering and snapping in the wind as she drove harder, faster across the lands of Seracia. The line of trees broke and the black ocean crashed before her, its ferocity matching the turmoil she felt within the depths of her soul.

It did not keep her attention long, light eyes sought the den so described to her about a week prior. It was well disguised amongst the rocks but keen eyes discovered it all the same. Before she could realize it, her gait, strong and steady had brought her almost to the entrance. Would he remember her? Or had she merely faded from his mind just as everyone else had?

"Segar..." Her voice soft, almost blending with the crashing tide she lost her confidence, standing to the right of the mouth of his den. She was not sure she could disturb him if he slumbered.