
Poor baby



6 Years
01-24-2014, 09:04 PM
The rain continued to pour down in large droplets. Lightning flashed throughout the land, giving out a blinding yellow light that shone around the landscape. The femme was mesmerized by it's beauty, but these lights were nothing to sneeze at. One wrong flash downward could end her life in a painful yet terrible way. Her ebony coat began to push downward from the rain that beat against her pelt. Her emerald orbs dark making them look like a mossy color, but, once light shone, they shimmered as if catching the light and sucking it into herself to give her eyes light.

She appeared to have wandered into a somewhat prairie. This place was beautiful. The rain poured down and beat against her even harder since the wind picked up speed. The droplets bent sideways, smacking right into her face, causing small ice shards to mix with the rain, making it feel like she was being stung by a thousand bees. Her claws seeped into the mud, leaving a muddy and new paw print.

A den appeared to be empty, but she didn't know since everything was hiding and taking shelter from the storm that began to increase in intensity. Before she knew it, her paws were causing her form to move, and she didn't argue with it.

She looked around the den and saw a young wolf inside, it had appeared to be weak and cold. Her eyes shown with kindness toward the wolf and walked inside, "May I come in?" Esperanza asked the wolf, not wanting to seem rude if the wolf wanted to be alone or had family it was waiting for. She lied down near the entrance, her face looking inside the den while her back was still outside in the frigid rain.