
Unseen Danger



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-24-2014, 10:01 PM

A hiss escaped from his jaws at the predicament they were in. It was just his luck to have to save his fathers damn spawn from the clutches of a bear, and surely this would not go unpaid. Growling, he glanced briefly to his side when an unfamiliar scent reached him, a creature gold in color and spotted with many marks came beside them, roaring and hissing at the beast. Before he knew it, Roman had swept past towards a cub, the male growling in frustrated annoyance. What a fool! Did she think she could get far with a hefty bear child? No matter, he had other things to deal with and that was to get the child out of here.

He heard the child call to them, Sin turned on his heel to race towards him, his own paws slipping briefly upon the ice the child had fallen upon but quickly regained footing thanks to his unusually sharpened claws. Bearing down on the child, he snatched him up by the scruff, not caring if he was rough, but this was not the time for the boy to complain. "You better have a good excuse for your father for being way out here!" He hissed through his teeth. The crimson stained male turned towards the commotion, ears snapping back to watch the bear reach with extended claws at the sister that made the reckless move. As to what the Cat would do, he cared not. Sin was not stupid enough to attack the bear with such small numbers, nor get in between her and her cubs. It was a death wish, of which he did not have for now. Amber opts narrowed before he turned away, carrying the child back home. This would result in a debt...
