



01-25-2014, 03:42 AM

Last she was awake, Loccian had been curled up with her children, warm, and safe. The winds did not stir her, only cause the mother and Queen to curl about the babes tighter, taking in their wonderful scents. Over time tough the noise would grow louder, making her ears twitch, until finally she heard a voice calling,eyes opening as she became aware of what was going on around her. Head would rise, brain working to identify the voice calling into the barn. Maverick!

Without wasting any more time the woman would quickly rise to her feet, nudging her babes and husband. Loccian would pause though, jaws agape and eyes wide, hairs standing on end. Enola and Silveris, they weren't here! Fear would grip the woman's heart as she turned in a full circle, grey orbs scanning the stall they had been staying in. Nothing. "Gerhardt, they're gone! Hurry!" She barked, reaching over and nudging his shoulder and neck.

She would leave the boys up to him, she had to find her girls!

Quickly the woman would make her way out of the stall, gaze running over the other stalls, urging those who were still there to quickly get out. She would jump as something went flying past her head, smashing into bits a few feet away. "Gerhardt! Boys!" She would look over her shoulder, yelling over the wind. "Quickly!" Though her family was of the most importance to her heart, the woman had to find her girls and make sure the Kingdom was okay and gathered.

Out the doors she would go, pausing a few moments to gaze around the place. What she was would only make her heart sink further. Only a few members of Seracia were here, and a majority of the children were missing. Where was everyone? Were they hurt, okay, stuck under debris?

Finally she would land her gaze on the adults here, quickly running over with deep breaths. "Is everyone alright?" She would ask in obvious worry, wincing as she saw the blood upon Destructions face. The moment she would see Silveris and the blood she would gasp and run over to Dragon and the child, running her tongue over the girl's head and nuzzling her. "Silveris! What happened Buttercup? Are you okay? Where is Enola?" She would questiont he child all at once, inspecting the wound in her side and licking at the blood.

For a few moments she would turn her attention to tehe group, raising her voice. "We have to split up and find the others, make sure they're okay!" She would order, wanting to have some sort of order during this all. Some of them could spread out to gather the rest of the kingdom, and maybe one or two of them stay with the children. "Many are still missing, a majority children. We can't waste any time!"

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3