
No longer me! I am Someone elce.


03-20-2013, 09:59 AM

Waking up to a stormy day, thunder was roaring across the mountains of Alacritis. Tikaani sat up in the den, and looked around to only find the absence of her mother. Her nose pulled up the scent of her mother, it was over ten hours since she had last been here. Tikaani stood up in a hurry, She sniffed the air, the den, and even out in the rain, trying to pick up a recent scent of her mother. It was no use, The scent was old, very old, Everywhere there was no recent scent of her mother. The storm Roared louder even now, it seemed like the earth felt her sorrow and rage.

Lightning struck right in front of her, Yet Tikaani did not flinch. She stood there, her green eyes glared in to the rain and beyond all in her vision's path. Emotions consumed her body as thoughts raced through her mind. The yearling did not know what to do, she was alone, by her self, yes there was the pack still, but it will never fix the sorrow that begun to consume her. To make it worse, Terror begun to speak to her. The pain that usually would bug her, was nothing but a little prick of annoyance.

"Well, well, it looks like mommy had abandoned her ungrateful daughter."Terror hissed "You do know the reason as to why she left.... Don't you Tikaani." A chuckle escaped Terror's lips. "Oh!"She said "I see that you don't know the reason.... Poor, poor, child. All alone with out your mommy to protect you." Terror let out a viscous laugh. " See Tikaani, You mother left you, because you are a worthless scum on the mole of your mother's existence. She wanted nothing to do with you, and frankly i can see why." Terror laughed some more. To her this was all great fun."You are weak, and always be weak. I am strong, and i am the right ruler of this mind, and body."

Tikaani just stood there and listened to Terror talk to her. Every word that Terror said was true, she was a worthless excuse of a wolf. Her mother was strong, and she was nothing like her mother. She was weak and pathetic,Tikaani knew what she had to do. It was her fault that her mother left and now it was up to her to let Terror take full control. With that maybe, just maybe she will have a chance, a chance to become strong, strong just like her mother. "Ok Terror, ok You win, Takeover and make me strong" She said as her head hung low. Tikaani was about to change, change for the better, or that is what Terror made it sound like. A sharp pain raced through her body as Terror begun to take control over her. A yelp escaped Tikaani's lips as she fell into the mud, her body quivered, and soon Terror consumed all of her.

Standing up, Tikaani's eyes showed evil, anger, and most of all devilish. She raised her head up to the air and let out a howl, It raddled through out the mountains, a shrill of evil, and sorrow it was. A lightning strike came right down upon her face. It struck her right eye and she only flinched a little bit. She opened her eye to find out there was no vision in her right eye. She had gone blind in that eye, and along with that was a scar that ran across her right eye and on to her snout.Tikaani let out a laugh and just laughed. She was now something that others only see in nightmares.