
Poor baby



5 Years
01-25-2014, 04:27 AM

Novella had been feeling a little out of sorts as of late had had opted to keep her distance from the rest of the pack, her family even included. Right now she wasn't entirely certain what the problem was, though it probably wouldn't be too long before she recalled various facts and managed to put two and two together to realise she was in her first heat. For now, whatever was wrong with her it wasn't going to keep her from her family anymore, not with this horrible weather they were having, she wished to make sure they were all ok.

For a while she had waited at the entrance of her den, mismatched eyes peering out and hoping the storm might die down a little bit. Of course there was no such luck though and eventually the girl had given in and made a break for it. Her first destination had been rather easy to work out really, Song had her family and Howl and Legend were probably close, Anthem she suspected was with one of them. Satu on the other hand, well Novella wasn't sure whether her cousin would have any company or not.

As she neared the spot she believed her cousin's den to be in the girl suddenly slowed her pace. Outside of the den she could see the shape of another wolf who most certainly wasn't Satu. Had she gotten the wrong space? It was a little difficult to tell in this weather, the rain masking and washing away the typical scents that would have alerted her to whether this was her cousin's den or not. Taking her chances she moved closer anyway, this wolf was surely someone in Ludicael if it wasn't her cousin, and if not well then they should not be here in the first place.

It seemed it was perhaps the latter, Novella had no recollection of seeing the black female before. Eyes peeked into the den and without waiting for and invite she pushed past the stranger and moved to her cousin. She'd deal with the other in a moment but for now she was rather worried about Satu. "Satu! What's wrong?" Her cousin certainly did not appear to be in a good state and though she had little idea what to do herself to help her feel better she knew a few wolves that might.