
Friends And Alibis


01-25-2014, 12:55 PM

The faintest trace of a wicked grin would manifest upon her porcelain countenance as the beast unleashed a hushed growl from the confines of his broad chest in response to her approach, a singular brow quirking curiously upon her forehead before she gave pause in her stride mere feet away from where he stood. He seemed none too pleased with her abrupt appearance and yet the phantom would not cower before him, stance one of muted confidence as he pivoted to grant her the view of his frontal exterior. Mismatched amethyst and silver eyes would locate his glowering amber gaze with ease, intrigue striking the viper as she examined the crimson decor outlining each of his eyes, fueling her to the brim with an influx of curiosity as she wondered what -- or whose -- blood it was that stained his coat in the most intricate of ways. Alas, such questions would not yet surface, for it was then that his arrogant speech would writhe through perked ears, causing her train of thought to shift back to her original inquiry as her pupils consumed the wry smirk that had claimed his countenance.

Despite her amusement, her visage would retain its neutral expression, pupils tracking his masculine form as moved to encircle her as if she were some feeble prey animal, and he, the prowling and gluttonous predator that awaited the perfect opportunity. "And if I do not fear?" the viper questioned pointedly, toes flexing eagerly beneath her sculpted mass as she watched him from her peripherals, remaining stationary even as he strutted around her. It was not until he halted in his saunter and presented another question that the babe pointed her muzzle towards him, an unbefitting and demure smile crossing her features while her shoulders rose and fell in a careless manner. "And I? Perhaps a fiend eternally trapped within the skin of an angel," the babe responded in a similar fashion to the beast, unwilling to grant him an insight as to who she truly was.