
There Are No Boundries



6 Years
01-25-2014, 04:20 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2014, 05:30 PM by Esperanza.)
The land was covered with a sheet of white as the landscape lay coated in mantels of white. Every inch was hoarded with the cold substance of frozen liquid, birds and small woodland creatures buried into their burrows and nests, trying to escape the frigid temperatures that covered the entire land. Miles and miles of snow and icicles appeared on the land and branches of trees. The femme would wander around the landscape, ebony coat covered with speckles of white from the snow that dropped effortlessly off the branches that hung from oak and birch trees. Evergreens also had been coated with white as very little green had been exposed.

Her eyes scanned the perimeter as her emerald optics watched the land before her, covered in the snow as it crunched underneath her paws. Ice slowly began to form in between her paws as she would sometimes lie down and lick the frozen water with her salmon colored tongue; heat from her mouth melting the frozen liquid as she got up continuing on her way.

Crows cawed their annoying song as they fluttered their midnight colored feathers, causing left over snow to fall onto the land as their feathers became black again. The exposed sunlight peaked out from the grey clouds, causing some of the ice to melt that was directly near the sun's heat-filled rays.

Her nose lifted for any unfamiliar scents as she huffed in and out, trying to catch anything she needed to worry about. Catching nothing she continued onward, mist erupting from her mouth as it slowly evaporated into the atmosphere. Seeing a makeshift den, she went inside, curling her body into a ball, wrapping her tail around it as her ears perked, trying to see if there were any sounds that would come their way to her.