
Today's The Day


01-25-2014, 04:45 PM
White paws hit the ground where the ash was, changing color slowly to a light gray. Green eyes narrowed as she smelt the ground. Her brother. Her brother had come this way. Without a word, the girl ran forwards, knocking a rabbit aside in the process. The girl's stomach growled, and she rushed forwards as the rabbit got to it's paws. Before it could run very far, Blizzard charged, knocking ash in the air. She tossed the rabbit in the air, and let it fall down quickly. The rabbit now had a large gash from the girl's unforgiving jaws. The poor creature would not live long if she kept this up. So, the girl moved forwards and gently clamped her jaws around the rabbit's spine. There was a sickening crack as her jaws crunched down, and the rabbit went limp.

After killing the creature, the girl began to eat the rabbit. She started with the tail first, as she knew she wouldn't eat it later. Then, the back legs were slowly ate. The girl kept eating until the rabbit's ears were left. Biting down quickly, the girl finished the rabbit. Then, she looked up as she heard something rustling in the woods nearby. A coyote? The girl thought this, then snarled as a scent came to her. Not a coyote. A wolf.