
Unseen Danger


01-25-2014, 05:24 PM

The weight in her jaws pulled at her, weighing her down. She didn?t know what the others were doing and only prayed that this bought them time to escape. She wouldn?t attack the bear, there was no point in hurting it. She was only protecting her cubs. Her ears pinned back, as she heard the rapid approach of the female, daring a glance of her shoulder, she saw the bear as it?s paw sought her hip. Her jaws released the cub on contact, that lithe woman was flung into the partially into the air. It seemed at the same moment, another had blocked the attack decreasing the momentum of the bears blow. Landing to the ground with a thud, she was winded for a moment, before she would scramble to her feet. Her hip ached, and felt as if it were on fire but she would turn to see who had intervened. It would be the leopard facing off the bear that she would see, and she?d make to move towards him, to back him up. He didn?t need to talk the fault for her decisions.

With both cubs released and bleating for their mother the bear?s attention was diverted as the clubs fled. Turning her gaze to the cat, she would bark, ?The trees!? Turning she would hobble, her jaws aching from carrying the heavy burden and her hip burning as she moved, as quickly as she could to the shelter of the pines. If the leopard hadn?t intervened when he did, she?d very likely have taken a far more severe injury. Her hip was injured, but it could have been much worse, the child could have been killed. Turning to the direction the leopard was to see if he was coming, she spoke her words emerging between pants. ?The pup?? She prayed the child had escaped, and that this hadn?t been in vain.
