



6 Years
01-25-2014, 06:21 PM

The young maverick look alike had been wandering away from the den again, straying towards the border. He had been hoping to run into Zaria again, the dark girl he'd gone off with to explore some time ago. But no such luck. So young Caeto had seated himself at the border of the pack territory, azures observing the world beyond his pack lands. The young boy hadn't taken much notice to his surroundings, finding no alarm in the fact that they sky had begun to get darker and the wind had begun to pick up. At first it was just a insistent cry, but as the minutes ticked on, it became a fierce howling. The wind began to buffer the young boy on all sides, throwing his muted russet coat this way and that way, screaming insistently in his ears. An annoyed look would take ahold of his features, sapphires rolling upwards as he tilted his head backwards to take a look at the sky, which was getting darker by the second. A frown would crease his brows as he rose from his position on the border, turning around to head back to his den. He wasn't particularly fond of getting sick and his mother would have his head if he got a cold.

The rest of his siblings were probably already in the safety of the den with his parents and they would be expecting him to return soon. The young man took a detour, hoping to get back to the safety of his family before the storm came in. But he would not reach his destination, a scent distracting him from his course; Celeste. Shouldn't she have been with the family? Caeto would veer away from his path, a concerned look overtaking his features as he kept his head low, searching for the familiar figure of his sister. It would take him several minutes before he would spot her creamy russet figure, though he was surprised to see her standing frozen, tail tucked behind her as she stared up at a giant tree that looked like it was about to fall over any second. CELESTE! He would boom, throwing himself forward into a head on charge towards his sister. If she didn't move the thing was going to crush her! With a giant leap he would close the remaining few feet between himself and Celeste, hoping to barrel straight into her left side, essentially knocking her out of the path of the falling tree. Would he be able to save his sister?

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