
Today's The Day


01-25-2014, 06:38 PM
Sapphire eyes peered out from under heavy brush. Angel had laid still for so long that he was coated head to toe in ash; as everything else was equally covered, the blanket atop him served as camouflage. If he was very still and quiet, the young brute would almost disappear were it not for his eyes. This is exactly what had happened with the stranger. Angel had been witness to not only the chase, but the catch and consumption of the rabbit. It made his motuh water with envy. He'd briefly considered revealing himself, but then decided that he wanted to see how long he could go unnoticed.

If it hadn't been for a sudden itch behind his ear, Angel was sure the fae would have never been the wiser. But oh, the itch! It got to him, pestered him until he couldn't think of anything else. Slowly, so painstakingly slow that he thought the itch would bore into his skull before he could stop it, the brute lifted his back paw to attack the trouble ear.

Shtick. That's all it took. The fae's head whipped around, her eyes glaring into the thicket. She didn't see him though; her poisonous stare was directed too broadly for her to be looking at him. Angel was content to remain hidden and had it not been for a sudden gust of wind he'd have done so. But alas, it wasn't meant to be.

With a sigh that blew the ash off his nose, the brute unearthed himself. He didn't advance for they were already quite close, so instead Angel just stood there, still covered largely in ash. "Um, hey."