
Passing Through!


01-25-2014, 08:14 PM

Something wasn't quite right. Kar had woken up to find Zanire gone from their den, though that wasn't what had unsettled the brute. The world felt off... and though Kar didn't know why he would set off after Zanire's scent, hoping to find the bear as soon as possible. Unease would creep into Kar's stomach as he realized they had passed onto pack territory, and he just hoped that whatever pack lived here was forgiving if they caught strangers on their territory.

A storm would hit, with terrible winds that set the wolf into great unease. This type of weather... was something he experienced back in his homeland when it fell to ruin. Earthquakes... twisters... all of it had wreaked hell upon the lands as he tried to make his escape. It had claimed the lives of his two closest friends... and the fear that if Zanire was caught in it as well, and an impending death, would cause the brute to break into a full run in a frantic search for her.

About an hour passed... and the poor wolf was at wits end. Where was she? The storm was making it hard to track Zanire and he was getting worried to death. Finally his green eyes would fall upon her form, not slowing until he came to Zanire's side. He was panting... and he took a moment to speak. "Zanire we need to go... this storm is really ba--" His orbs would catch something in the distance.

No. A horrified look would cross Kar's face. Not again. Please... He would look at Zanire. "We have to get out of here, now!" He would wait for her to move first. He wasn't about to leave her standing there alone.

Speech, Thought