
From The Ashes


01-25-2014, 09:07 PM

The woman watched as the various members piled into the clearing. Her eyes flicked to each on of them. Mostly females, as she expected. Six was excited to see so many had come, but it was a lot of competition. Her purple orbs watched the pale King as he greeted his Queen then Six. The black and white monster dipped her head in respect once more. "Thank you, my King." Her voice was thick and stitched with a haunting darkness. Six rolled her shoulders and let that thick tail curl up on her side. The brute eyed each member closely, there were not many men. It came with being in a harem but she did want some variety. Though the bitch could survive.

Six listened to her King with anxious eyes. He spoke to them as a group, he was firm, the woman liked that. Those black front paws kneaded the earth as he explained each task. The woman was currently a brood, basically a machine to pop out babies. The woman did not like that to much but she knew she would get a new rank soon. Her eyes flicked to each of the higher ranked ladies with a smirk. She wanted to be with them one day, but she would work to get there. As she told Sen, the girl would not just be a pretty face. She was bold as she spoke, "I understand, my King. But, I would like to inform you that I know some healing, though my skills reside in fighting due to years of training. I do not mind demonstrating. Though, I will do my current task as you please. Thank you." She spoke without a second thought, the woman knew what she was doing. Six knew her place though, she always did.
