
From The Ashes



01-25-2014, 09:12 PM

Genesis?s voice breaks her heart, and her crimson gaze settles upon the boy, her heart breaking for him as she observes. She wants to go to him, to embrace him, for she has missed him so. Nonetheless, she waits for Eris?s response. It is then that a child approaches, beautiful and clearly of Eris?s blood. Argent?s gaze settles upon her and gentles, grinning silently. ?Irune is a pretty name, and I am sure you will be an excellent helper for your mother. My name is Argent. If you would excuse me, little Queen, I have someone to whom I must speak,? she says, playfully dipping her head to the child as her gaze looks towards Genesis.

She would greet Vereux as well, but she has already reunited with him, and this is the first announcement of her presence. Alas, the silver knight limps for him, seeking to pull herself close enough so that she can be quiet. ?My son,? she says hushed, and there is a tremor in her voice. ?I am so sorry,? there is no denying the genuine sound to her quiet apology. ?I will explain later,? she says softly. She knows not if it will be enough, if her son will respond with anger and hatred, but it is an olive branch. If anything she wishes to carve a path upon which her younger children and older children can carve a relationship.
Her gaze settles upon the albino King, and as he asks about Vereux, her gaze flickers to him. She makes a small noise, so that he might recognize her presence. It is an invitation, a hello, and she hopes he understands her reasoning for not going straight to him. Alas, the King announces tasks. Ears prick forwards as he describes tasks, as he assigns goals to each of them. ?I will call a session for all the children soon,? she says. It makes her heart ache to feel the distance between them; once she would have pressed into his side, once she would have felt his love, and now she feels like nothing but a subject to command. Has she lost him forever, she wonders? Can he forget all the sacrifice, and only remember her one instance of disloyalty? How can he forgive the failure of Sendoa, and not hers? She can only imagine that her wrongdoings may take more time, and she will need to have patience. ?I would also like to suggest that any and all, regardless of duty, learn the basics of self-defense. Danger will come to all at some point, and the world cares not if you are healer or fighter,? she says with wisdom, logic. Maybe it is not her place to propose such a thing, but she feels it is.

This is her pack. She must protect it, at all costs, broken leg or not, broken heart or not.