
From The Ashes


01-25-2014, 09:26 PM
Quote:He has demons to fight every day, and above all else he desires to piece together his broken childhood. He only remembers a glimpse of it, a brief image of home. Maybe it will seem odd, that he connects home to a place he has only been so briefly, but it is home. Everywhere else is filled with pain; the scars on his throat attest to the times that a pair of jaws clamped down until the point of passing out, a threat to ensure his obedience. The ones on his belly display the scars that were to ensure his submission. He has so many scars, white and blended into his pure, powder fur.
When he sees her he wants to run. He wants to hide beneath his mother like he is nothing but a babe, he wants her to scare the nightmares away, but he controls himself. That is all he is; he is a controlled mess, every ounce of him pieced together with glue and tape. Alas, when his eyes see her, he moves quickly. He presses against her side, and for a moment his face contorts in pain, because he is home. ?Mama,? he says quietly, so that only she can hear, and then his eyes flicker up to his father and the false queen.

??Sup, Pops?? he greets, toothy grin present on his face. He wants his father to be proud; he wants his father to see the broad-shouldered boy and see the promise he holds. Voltaire wants to feel accepted and love, and he wants to feel more than a tool, he wants to feel like he is a being and that he is worthy of existence.