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2 Years
01-26-2014, 11:52 AM

The call from her father would not fall upon blind ears; and with each second that had past the girl would find herself nearing closer towards the territory grounds. The rock beneath her paws would shift with her long strides, her tail remaining vertically in line as it nears inches from the floor. A smile would slip her ebony lips as her gaze would lock onto her father, not paying the least bit of attention towards the new 'queen'. she thought no one would ever be capable in even matching towards her father skills, and it soon processed into the youths mind at just how disappointed she was to how quickly he filled in the secondary place. Her gaze would then lock upon sevan, a snort would be aimed towards the girl, her position and lack of awareness to where she stands completely on show. But never mind that for now, afterall just like her father had said- we are strong as one, but it didnt mean that the dark pearl couldnt think herself greater then the girl who would look so bold. Meinx would come to a sit upon her haunches, further away of course, but yet still in a respectful eye sight for her father to witness. There was no denying that meinx's arrogance and ambitions where only just coming into view. " Sevan, father." For a moment her eyes would look over the secondary and her words would come a little misplaced. " You." She meant no rudeness about it, but the simple fact was she heard no name to join with her title.
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.