
Hróðvitnisson family


01-26-2014, 12:42 PM
Name: Freyja Hr??vitnisson
Age: 1.5 years old born in autumn
Personality: The woman is a being of love and lust. She embraces each sensual moment and emotion. Freyja is a being of power, she seems to control anything she wishes. She can move a certain way and set any man off, though that is not her goal. She is a temptress, not a harlot. She does not induce herself into pleasure with random people. The girl tends to be secretive in her workings. Sometimes even obsessed with matchmaking, it gets a bit annoying at times. The girl is mysterious yet it is quite obvious she knows what she is doing. She has a soft voice, one that soothes and lures in people. She is a flower.
Despite her temptress ways she is a Valkyrie at heart. She is a sexy being that knows how to fight. The woman knows how to kill, how to slaughter, but she would never kill unless she really needed to. Freyja trains nonstop to remain her best to protect the people who she cares most about.
Appearance: Freyja looks like a figment of dreams. Her fur is wonderful. Her base coat is a gentle tan that is blotched with a pristine white on various spots around her body. Her belly is a bright white as well. She has a white splotchy stripe along the top of her muzzle. Her legs are a lighter tan. She has only a little bit of back that lines her torso and her along her neck. Her eyes are bright baby blue that seem to pop under those luxurious eyelashes. She is not to big. The woman stands at about 30 inches, though she is still capable in beating someones ass.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Design: user posted image
RP sample: The woman slept on a ledge of the Dreamer's Col. Her tail was bundled up to her wide. She head her head upon her gentle paws. That tan coat was covered in specks of snow. The woman had nothing to do that day, though she wished to see her family as soon as she could do. Freyja woke up to a gentle howl in the distance, it was familiar. Those blue orbs came into view as they fluttered open. She looked at the white blanket that surrounded her. The vast North. There were many packs that surrounded her which made her slightly nervous but the female was intelligent and clever. The girl knew how to get out of sticky situations without breaking a sweat. Though, before she could even get up. she heard paw steps from below. The tan woman slithered to the edge and looked down to the a black male staring up at her. Those green orbs were all to familiar. A luxurious smile flickered across those sultry lips. Her voice filled the North like a wave, "Hello, Loki." The cunning creature got up and shook out her wonderful fur. Freyja rolled her shoulders as she jumped from ledge to ledge like a feline until she got down to the ground. The tan femme licked her lips, "How are you doing, brother?" She tilted her head as the man stared at her with a little smirk, "I am well sister." She nodded gently and looked around. "What brings you to the north?" Her voice was the song of cupid, it was a lullaby. She looked right at him with those shining eyes and fluttering lashes. No one was immune to her constant sensual state. He shrugged lightly, "I came to find.. you."