



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-26-2014, 05:47 PM

The torrential rains seemed to continue here. But Sin much rather preferred this over the choking ash cloud in the northern lands. Although the wind and the water were rough, it was nothing he could not handle. Fur became drenched, clinging to his form. The blood that marked his fur remained brilliant and bold against the pure white of his pelt. A result from the killings he had done during his life, marking him as such. A killer. A murderer. The fallen angel that not even Hell wanted. And yet he walked the lands doing odd tasks. He found himself aiding women whose babes were being born. Other times he found himself in a decent conversation with others, however, those were only the rarest of days when his mood allowed him go be civil. Other days, he was fighting, raping, killing, terrorizing...he cared not for the lives of others, except for a very select few. And so far, only one woman had managed to gain entrance into that gate.

Hissing, the beast made his way towards a structure that looked as if it could shield him from the rain. The clinging of his pelt to his skin annoyed him, and he wanted brief refuge from it before moving on. As the crimson beast entered, he would shake out his large form. Water being sent in all directions as he then focused his sights all around him. This place was rather different, solid, protected. Even for a human structure, it still seemed quite intact...and perhaps useful in the future. It was then, the smell of another would take his attention, and Sin would creep forward upon silent paws.

Alas, two figures would come into view. So, he was not just in the company of one...but two. And the black one was female...this would be a rather interesting encounter, Sin had been looking for a bit of fun. He approached, stalking towards them like a ghost undetectable. The smell of blood began to permeate the air, as usual giving off the scent that made most uneasy...especially since it was not the blood of normal prey, no. It was the blood of his prey. The prey that dared crossed his path, the prey that dared defy and fight back. The prey like the wench Illja who dared ignore his previous warnings. Surely this wench would not dare cross those lines if she knew what was good for her..."Ah, so others are here as well...I knew the smell of wet dog from the pair of you was unmistakable." He uttered, voice unfriendly and riddled with nothing but the darkness he always emanated.
