
finnvi legend yo



5 Years
01-26-2014, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2014, 07:53 PM by Jaeger.)

[Image: KJrIRAr.png]

central to their religion are two groups of gods, the aesir and vanir. the gods lived in asgard, a kingdom that was connected to mortal earth (known as midgard) by a rainbow bridge known as bifrost. the pantheon includes but does not limit to odin, thor, and freyja (list of other gods). there are also evil giants, dark elves, and dwarves. the gods are destined to fight against the giants and other evil forces in a battle known as ragnarok. norse prophecy predicts that the gods would lose this battle, allowing asgard, midgard, and the entire universe to collapse into darkness and chaos. warriors who die nobly in battle could end up in valhalla, a sort of warrior heaven where everyone gets to fight alongside odin, die, feast, and do it all over again the next day. they are escorted to valhalla by the valkyrie, which are sort of like warrior angels who assisted odin. it is believed that we are not only the worshippers (worship meaning "to give honor to") of the aesir and vanir, but that we are also spiritually and physically related to them. we are part of their tribe or kin, we honor them in the same way respected elders are who have worked and continue to work at strengthening that family physically, emotionally, and spiritually. giving a gift (sacrifice) is a sign of friendship, kinship, and connection.

every summer, the family will gather at midnight the highest full moon to have a bl?t, which is a sacrifice to the gods and the spirits of the land, asking for fertility, good health, a good life and peace and harmony between the people and the powers. how do they know they're supposed to gather? as children they were taught a saying: "wenn der mani ist auf ihrem h?hepunkt, zu uns hitta" which means "when the moon is at its peak, come to us." they are taught to gather at the holiest body of water, where they will sacrifice boar and deer on the shore.

have an idea for a festival? pm jaeger's account with it and we'll try to work it in as a festival.

female male deceased missing taken*

ketildis x geirthor

svanerna, salfinna, anvarr, cynfrith, and laeric

svanerna x unknown

freyleif, einvir, kaprasius*, and jaeger*

??? x anvarr


? the finnvi line, though as muddled as it is now, was started when geirthor, a hitman, was hired to take a hit on a beautiful, but dangerous sage. he was warned of her siren-like magics, but did not take any heed to it. once captured between a rock and a hard place, ketildis worked her magic and played him into believing she was his literal soul-mate, and that killing her would mean killing part of himself - thus, the finnvi legend.

? you may try to adopt any of the names above (besides jaeger, kapra, and their grandparents) that are not struck out. you may even try for a cousin (one of the parents must be one of svanerna's siblings). as people are accepted, the family tree will be added to.

? the language they speak is primarily german, though a few nouns here and there can be from the nordic language (once adopted, i'll link you to a place you can find these things). if you want, you can say they are fluent in english but i would like for them to usually speak german.

? they have a family motto: gaman ? leiden, which means "pleasure is suffering." why such a dark motto? because they're vikings, bro. they hurt people in raids to get the things they enjoy in life.

? "do all family members have to be darkly aligned?" nope. they can believe in fairness and justice and all that knightly stuff, as long as you make it fit the family. just because jaeger is insane in the membrane, doesn't mean the entire family has to be.

? ketildis has marble blue eyes (like jaeger's right eye) and geirthor has mercury eyes with gold flecks. so don't lean too far away when choosing eye colors (neices/nephews/cousins may differ because of secondary parent). svanerna's eyes are like her father's, if you're adopting her. (which, if you are adopting her, don't be offended if i reject your app - svanerna is an important key to jaeger's history and i will be picky).

? please note that jaeger's reputation with the family is very low. it would benefit you to read his history. now if you're adopting laeric, he should probably be a little crazed on trying to hunt down jaeger to prove he's guilty. "what about kaprasius?" the family does not know he is with jaeger. no one knows where he is at the moment.

? i should mention that all family will be required to be religious fanatics. they love their religion and will die for it. now, if you want them to stray away from it in time, then by all means: after they're adopted, they're yours. but i'd really like to get at least one festival of the fam together. now you're probably wondering, "well how are they going to all get together if they are hunting for jaeger?" this is just how fanatic they are; they will drop all reputations and feelings in order to properly show the gods' their loyalty and thanks.

I REALLY WANT SOMEONE TO TRY TO ADOPT LAERIC OR SVANERNA. reading the notes is very important. do not ask questions before reading the notes.



(if it is a brother of sva's, it will be finnvi. if it is a cousin of jae, it will be finnvi unless the character chooses to use mother's maiden name)

(if svanerna's siblings, they would be six)


to jaeger. if a cousin, please list mother and father

150 words

200 words


at least 250, roleplay sample


!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself