



01-26-2014, 11:23 PM

Slowly but surely, the saviors would trickle in. First came a woman she didn't recognize, who was polite but far too physical, laying herself down way too close to the wraith. Shuffling away, she would look skeptically at the stranger and opened her mouth to reply. Not so fast, because a familiar, bloodstained figure appeared. He spoke quite tersely with the female, who threw a massive temper tantrum and stormed off. Sighing with mild relief, she flicked her ears to catch another familiar voice calling from the end of the tunnel. Great, Shilah was here to save the day, not the sarcasm there. Responding to the pale man before her, she growled her usual sarcasm. "Please, by all means go after your woman, I'll just chill here." She replied, lyrics dripping with poison laced honey. Turning to call back up the tunnel, she attempted to be kind, since if anyone would be saving her at some point, Shilah would be the man for the job, it seemed. "Yeah, it's me. Little help would be fucking aces right now." She called, her voice slightly agitated. Charcoal tail tip would flick irritably as she waited for someone to help her, since she was in pain and it was not helping her attitude problems in any way, shape, or form. The dull throbbing in her foot was not something she was enjoying, and she was getting ready to start screaming, which was always worse than when she was acting normally. Even her father had been a touch taken aback by her temper tantrums at times, which were worse than Thor's when the occasion called for it. Lowering her cranium, she breathed deeply and gritted her teeth. In about three seconds, if nothing happened, she was going to lose her shit all over the place and she didn't care who fell victim to it.

talk, think