


01-29-2014, 02:41 PM
Design:Canttina Design 1, Canttina Design 3 for backup.

Name: Lisle Rowan Destruction {His nickname is Li.}

Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance: As a newborn pup, Lisle will be small, and not the handsome boy he ends up being as he gets older. His body will be too long for his short legs, and his paws will look like they have been flattened by something. His skin will be bright pink and wrinkled, making him look like he has no fur at all. The main fur color, the beautiful light gray, will be very pale and thin, so the skin will be very visible. The reddish brown markings that will make Lisle known are now pale in color, not as dark and pretty as they will be as he gets older. His eyes are closed tight, and it will be hard to tell what color his eyes will be after the puppy blue.

As Lisle gets older, he is larger, and is growing into his body a little more, so he wouldn't look as awkward when he was a pup. The fur colors are thicker, and he looks a little more like the wolf he'll be as he becomes a year old adult wolf. The markings are making him look more like the Lisle we know and love. His eyes are now dark blue, almost black in color, so that his eyes look nothing like they were usually. His legs are now long and powerful, but when he walks, it looks like he is floating along the ground like a ghost. When he stumbles, which he will, a lot, it looks as if he has gotten dizzy chasing his tail or is just confused about where he has to go.

As a half grown wolf, Lisle is almost the size of his father, but still looks graceful when he walks. His base fur color is a beautiful silver color, and would look white unless the wolf he was meeting with got close enough to his fur to see the gray color. A red brown color makes what appears to be a mask on the top of his head, then goes down his back. Through the red, the light gray is visible sometimes, and a small ring of red fur breaks of and makes a small ring around his neck, before circling back to his back. The color stretches down to his back, where it covers most of his tail and almost makes it look like a solid color. The main color of Lisle's eyes are a beautiful green, like his father's, but there is a different color. There is a slight amber tint, that makes his eyes a different color.

Personality: As soon as he is able to walk, Lisle will want to explore the world, and see everything there is to be seen. When he gets old enough, the boy will most likely leave the family earlier than his siblings, so he can set off on his journey to see the world. And, even though he will be gone most of the time, sometimes Lisle will come back to his family and tell them all the sights he has seen, and the creatures he has met. To him, the entire journey will be nothing more than a chance to see all the creatures, and have a chance to see what all the packs are like. Even though he may leave at an early age, Lisle will never change all that much from what he had been before he left. He'll still be sweet, protective, and a little talkative; but one trait he'll have gained is that he'll be a little snappy if he is put under a lot of pressure from his family.

The boy will be very sweet, and always do things when he is told, exactly as he is told; there will be no rebellion against his parents, even as he gets to be half a year old. Although he may get a little angry if any other wolf insults a family member to their face, he will not say anything, knowing very well that they could take up for themselves. Lisle will also be very protective of the wolves who cannot see, the pups who are just beginning to explore, and the elder wolves who don't have a lot of time left. He will make sure the blind wolves are not attacked, for fall into something that could kill them, for the pups he will make sure to teach them to fight as they get older. For the elder wolves, he will travel with them, listen patiently to stories they tell him, and defend them from wolves or other creatures if he has to. He will not let the pups or wolves die a early death, or the elder wolves die a painful, slow death from being attacked by other wolves.

Rp Sample Eyes opened as Sealh cried out, and the pup let out a low whine. Everything was so weird looking. Lisle's own red and white tail curled around him, and he lifted one paw and slammed it down on his tail. That day, he had a weird dream about a strange looking wolf. He, or at least Lisle had thought it was a he, had been called Soul. This wolf was pure white, with weird pink eyes. What was wrong with his eyes? Lisle didn't know that this "Soul" was an albino. All he had saw was the wolf's face, and large pointed fangs, over and over again. A whimper escaped his jaws as Sealh pushed him aggressively out of the way. Sealh, ztop. The boy, although not knowing much more than his brother, had mostly gotten rid of his habit. Struggling to his paws, Lisle looked around, and growled in puppy anger. What waz with that wolf?

I would buy an extra pup slot.