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01-27-2014, 12:24 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Amber
How did you get here?: Searched Wolf RPG
Age: 13, right on the deadline

Character's Name: Abhaya[Means fearless in Indian]
Age: Three years
Season of Birth: Autumn
Height: 32 inches
Appearance Description:
Abhaya's figure is that of one that is very muscular, but thin. She is bulkier and more muscular in the legs and chest. Her legs are long and graceful, matching her thin body coated with very unique looking fur choices. Most of her fur is a deep, melancholy obsidian with dark grey tips. However her chest, cheeks, chin, neck, underbelly, inside of legs, and underside of tail are a dark silvery color. The insides of her large, erect auds are a dark, cold lead color. Her fur is made of silk, covering her tall and graceful body loosely with thin, curly hairs. Her paws are quick and dainty, small as they are. Leading back up to the face sits a mask. Black covers her muzzle and under her eyes, but a light silver tinges the area under the black that sits under the eyes, and across the cheeks. Sitting in that mask are two, almond shaped orbs the color of the Caribbean. If you look even closer, they are turquoise with a robin egg blue tint and ice blue rimming the dilated pupils. Her nose is a leathery ebony like most other wolves, and her jaws are powerful and usually set.

She has a clever, quick, analytical mind, but suffers with a great deal of self-consciousness, lack of confidence, and much aloneness because of misunderstandings. Her idealistic and sensitive nature gives her a deep appreciation for the finer things of life and a strong desire to be of service to her pack. There are times when she experiences inner turbulence at her inability to say what she means. It is far easier for her to express her deeper thoughts and feelings through coming clean then keeping it bottled up. She secretly finds pleasure in literature, in poetry, and in her ideas and will turn to them when she feels she has been misunderstood. She is deeply moved by the beauties of life, especially nature. Because her feelings run deep, she must guard against the ups and downs, being very inspired one minute, then moody, reserved, and depressed the next. Her reactions to people vary according to how she feels. She tends to be secretive and noncommittal about private matters, yet at times she will talk effusively in order to hide her self-consciousness or to lead others away from personal subjects. She is inspired by encouragement from others, yet suspicious of their intent.
She craves affection but seldom find anyone who understands her nature. She has no self-assurance, independence, or confidence. She has depth of mind and the ability to concentrate and to follow a line of thought to a logical conclusion. Her love of challenging the concepts of others invariably leads her to create her own ideas and to pioneer new lines of thought. Her strong characteristic of individuality qualifies her as a leader. She must be independent and she does not brook interference in any way. Although she does not tolerate interference in her own affairs, this characteristic does not prevent her from interfering in the affairs of others. She is usually either telling or showing someone how to do something properly. Although she is is barely ever good natured good-natured and never intends to hurt someone, still she is blunt, direct, and candid manner of expression strains friendships; her dishonesty and insincerity earn disrespect from others. She has to be her own boss as it is most difficult for her to submit to direction from others. Having this personality type can sometimes make her very lonely. Work, limitless ambition and impatience can lead to many unsuccessful relationships in the life of such a femme. Moreover, for a pack member, her work is any day more important than her relationships. Another problem with her is that she is not comfortable expressing her emotions. All these things, if not handled in time, can make a girl like Abhaya very lonely. Another trait is that Aya is very impatient, hot headed and short-tempered. As long as things are going smooth and according to plan, they are normal, however the moment she feels that something is off the mark or not going according to schedule or time, she loses her cool. Being assertive is one thing and being aggressive is an all together different ball game. Aya can be aggressive at times and even rude to people around her when put in a spot.