
To The Grande



3 Years
02-07-2013, 07:49 PM

Kamala bounced along energetically behind Gerhardt and Adette, her little white tail waving enthusiastically in the air. Yes, it had been a long time since they'd stopped migrating, but the young female was as full of energy as ever. When the day grew later she would run out of energy swiftly, but for then, she was as energetic as ever. The young female had complete and utter faith in her guardians. She knew they could find a place for them to stay, in that naivety that all youngsters had. Although the female knew that they weren't her parents, they had looked after her, and even if she missed her parents, she had her brothers.

By the time that they had walked a little longer, the energy was gone from Kamala's steps. The female had begun to fall behind a little bit, and every once in a while she would break out into a run to catch up with her siblings as they wandered ever onwards. It was only when Gerhardt told them to wait that she flopped down against the ground, breathing an almost silent sigh of relief. Her tail twitched against the earth as Adette spoke, and the quiet female nodded her head, flicking her ears to show that she had heard the female.

But the curious female didn't stay still for long. She glanced at her brothers curiously, tail flicking. "Let's follow them." Kamala suggested, voice soft in the silence. She wanted to know what they were talking about. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but Kamala was far from a cat, and to be honest, she got a little nervous when she was left alone for too long. She'd seen a lot in her short life, and there was a distant, niggling doubt that Gerhardt and Adette would leave once they were out of sight. On top of that, she also wanted to know what they talked about. There was a lot of thought going into those three words, and Kamala would go with or without her siblings. Still, she wanted to hear what they had to say. Would they come or stay?

Rising slowly to her comparatively large paws, Kamala shook herself vigorously, sending dirt and debris flying from her fur. She sneezed moments later, shaking her head fiercely. The lanky female glanced in the direction that Gerhardt and Adette had headed, noting absently that a small hill hid them from sight. That meant that if she wanted to see what was going on, she'd have to be careful and sneaky. But she could definitely do that.
