
I'm Comin' Back Home / p


03-20-2013, 05:37 PM

This was getting old. He was cowering like a pup while his mother proceeded to gently caress him, all while driving him nuts. What a mess. As she spoke up about his snippy remark, Maverick only got more riled up. Oh she thought she could demote him from heir? She could make him an omega? "Dad's the King, and he'd never let you do that." A snarl ripped from his throat, echoing louder than he'd intended it to. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." In all reality he half meant it, and half didn't. "There were no 'deals' because nothing happened! Just leave me alone! He pried his frame away from hers as she attempted to tower over him. With a growl he would stand to his full height, which was still a bit shorter than she - but not by much anymore. Tail would flag up behind him. "I am a yearling mother, not some fool pup anymore. You can't baby me, I'm practically grown!" As she gave him her orders, Maverick heaved a sigh. As if he could steal away the princess of Valhalla and bring her here. "I'll think about it." It was all he could offer, all he could do without breaking his promise. With that, the boy took a step back, separating them. "I'm done arguing, mother, it's clear you won't ever see things my way." As he turned and flicked his tail, Maverick muttered under his breath. "I wish it would have been father that had caught me, not you." Ah, the mutterings of an upset teenage boy. He would pace off into the darkness to sleep the night away.

Exit Maverick.
