
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites[M]


03-20-2013, 05:41 PM
The dame's gray lined ears perked up as she heard a voice greet her in a rather luring tone. The white and gray femme turned around as her eyes lay upon a black brute whose face had seemed to have been charred by the escape not so long ago. Keki did not know of what to say in reply as she tried to ignore noticing the brute looking her up and down. She should have never left the watchful gaze of her mother and uncle. If she could run fast enough perhaps she could make it to Glaciem.No, it was way too far away, what would happen to her. Her heat, how stupid had she been out here all alone. Damn Keki you really screwed up this time,she thought to herself.

So Keki stood there and kept aware as she grew wary of the brute before her. The dame felt a bit uncomfortable from his presence and it showed.

"Who are you....and why are you here? she asked in a voice as silk but with a cautious ring to it.

The femme was way too smart to fall too easily into the desires of a brute, she knew all too well. But as she was smart there were those smarter than her. If only the scent of her heat had been masked before such an event as this. But it wouldn't go away would it. It was as if her heat plagued her and made Keki vulnerable to all other wolves. Damn this heat, how the hell was she supposed to get rid of it, she couldn't it was such a curse on all females of her species.

So the dame let out a huff or a sigh as she focused her blue bi-colored eyes on the brute's purple ones, waiting for a reply.