
We stand together, in a crowd


01-28-2014, 06:55 PM

ooc: This is a small introduction thing for the Gamma's and fighting Epsilons. As Vahva does want to get to know them since she's in part to train them. Depending on what they want to do she may hold a small training exercise much like the winter spars. Those who don't want to participate will have to either spar with Vahva or have a thread where she lectures them xD.
The clouds were now gone, so was the ash. Vahva's eyesight was only just returning so things were still blurry. Which is why she thought it would be best to meet those she needed and ask what they wanted to do. After all her task was to train them, and she was not in the condition to fight but she could still lead. Plus her poor eyesight was not permanent it would only last a few more days now. It only had drawn her closer to her senses as it was. She lent out a howl, throwing her head back as her mane glided across the top of her head. The howl was one any alpha could have, she used to be an alpha at that. Though it was an obvious gamma and fighting epsilon call. Once the howl finished, she set herself down in the clearing. Leaning against a tree with a flick of her tail.
Her red eyes strained, but then she stopped trying. It would be another few days until she could see, and that was okay. Her range of vision was about ten feet in front of her. It was enough for this moment and time to meet those she needed. Vahva was family, a leader, they needed someone to depend on to trust and be a friend all the same. She felt like she was calling a meeting all over again. A meeting to say that she was now in charge. This was different though, these wolves were her family. She had been born in Valhalla, and she refused to lose it again.
