


01-27-2014, 07:31 PM

"kodda" "tim"

Kodda trailed along the edge of the very high cliff. She stared at the blood stained ocean below. The water was blue with a crimson tent, or so it was in her mind. She closed her eyes for a few moments. Everywhere she went, she was reminded of the horrible storm she cause. She caused so much pain and terror and the woman survived with only a broken tail. Her rear hurt like hell, there was no use of her tail. It just sat there, limp, on her butt. The girl felt broken. A tear slid down her lovely little dotted face. Kodda stopped walking for a moment to suck in a quick breath. To her right some skittering was heard. Kodda looked that way and she saw nothing. The white femme began to slowly pad forward again before a tiny voice was heard. "Do not cry miss!" The dame looked to her right then down and a little spiked lizard was there, staring at her. Kodda instantly smiled, oh how she loved animals. The girl turned to face him and she leaned down. "What is this ones name?!" The girl seemed to change instantly, it was like a switch went off in her mind. The Lizard stared at those with those beady little eyes. It seemed to smile at her, "This one's name is Tim! Do you have a name?" The woman nodded quickly, "I am Kodda! Can you be my friend? I do like you a lot already!" The woman was like a pup, but she was serious. The woman loved the little Lizard already. They would be best buddies. "Of course!" The brown Lizard moved to the white Wolf and he slithered up her leg and to her shoulder. The claws tickled so she snickered softly. He rested there casually like it was meant to be. "I am going to call you Kodsy Kods." The dotted femme nodded and continued to walk on with a bright smile.