
Hot Pursuit



01-27-2014, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2014, 08:58 PM by Isardis.)

And oh how his patience wore skin-thin, grinding with frustration at a canvas of brewing fibs and cackling impressions. His features would writhe with pleasure, ruby gaze held so weakly to the ebony man, as if he still struggled to find any interest to his insults, ?Oh, so you?d spit such racial discriminations to a woman without qualms?? he chuckled, looking momentarily towards the primary leader in expectation, ?Exactly what does your wife think of your sexist tendencies?? The dark man was certainly not forming a good image of this poorly structured pack. Though as the woman spoke it was only to be expected that the doubts of her husband would form doubts within her own mind. ?Very well, I will return within the week, ? he would begin to turn, his mind fighting the urge to continue with his sarcastic comments. But it was not in Isardis? nature to deny a show-down, and so he would sway, ?If you wish to feel better about yourself, boy, you?re welcome to challenge my vigour on the battlefield; of course, I will leave now by the wishes of your Queen, but as a kind-hearted service to your swollen ego I?d be more than happy to pose as your vent.? Through each word the monster wore a testing smirk, twisted with pleasure and cunning desire, posing as an innocence the ghoul would never truly bare. But he would begin to walk then, not wanting to deny the leader of her requests, ?I look forward to our reunion, winter wonder-ess.?

- exit unless stopped