



4 Years
01-27-2014, 09:41 PM
OOC: Because everyone else gets to do puppy dreams, I present to you...BABY THOR THROWING A TANTRUM:

"No, no, no, NO!" The last word was screamed with enough force to cause his voice to go shrill and crack. The pup continued screaming and kicking his legs, the appendages uselessly striking the air. Gripping his scruff firmly, perhaps too firmly, was his mother. The little brute had been ordered to the den for bed and when he didn't comply, Anglea had angrily gone to retrieve him. "RAAAAAH!" Thor continued to howl. Every act of violence applied to him in punishment was met with an angry cry; not because it hurt but because he was mad. Every jolt, every smack, every shake elicited fury. Every creature within a five mile radius knew exactly how he felt. All other creatures were silent.

Any moment now his father would come roaring out of the den, but he didn't care, not one bit. He cared about nothing but the teeth on the back of his neck. Not the irritation of his family or even the coming violence: nothing mattered except his desire to remain outside and the violation of his freedom. At this moment, Thor was in danger of busting the blood vessels in his eyes. Beneath his fur, the skin on his face was an angry, blistering red. His lips curled back to reveal tiny puppy teeth; teeth, that if given the opportunity at that very second, would bite the wolf holding him: an act that would only spell more trouble for him.

"NOOOO! YOOOU CAAAAN'T MAAAAAKE MEEEEE! RAAAAA-" At that moment, Hroovitnir came flying out of the den and Thor choked on his wail. Everything slowed down. Thor clearly saw the spittle fly from his father's jaws as they sprung open. The brute dove for him, furious eyes locked on the young wolf's face. His mother dropped him, relieved to release her son into the custody of his father. He would punish him for his disobedience.

Fear replaced the rage, "DAD! I'M SORR-"

Warming quickly against his skin, the ice melted, tiny beads of water squirming further into his ears. The brute's eyes slammed open, thrusting him from the dream world into the real world with disorienting speed. YOU'RE UNDER ATTACK! His legs shot straight up as his back arched and twisted, pivoting him to the side. He was on his paws with a roar and, sensing the presences nearby but not quite recognizing them yet, Thor dove for his siblings. They needed to act fast if they wanted to avoid the full force of his weight and quite possibly his jaws. Fueled not only by the ice but the attack in his memories, the brute wasn't thinking, wasn't even capable of thought at that very second: he was in danger and he knew nothing else.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]