



2 Years
01-27-2014, 09:45 PM

She seemed to catch on quickly, and he would smile with gleeful pride in this, his small victory. In time he would come to relish in victories, both big and small - much like his sire. She agreed it was best to keep it a secret, and he would nod assuredly. He knew enough about his father to know that it wasn't wise to be caught misbehaving, and his mother was certainly no different. At times, she could even be worse. Lysis seemed to have noticed Atlas, which resulted in a quick chirp from the penguin's yellowed beak. Kyarst would toss his head back over his shoulder to gaze at him for a moment before answering her matter-of-factly. ?The Sound, there's a bunch down there - but he's the smartest.? He would yip once at the penguin, before his voice lifted into the air. ?C'mere Atlas, she won't bite.? He would tilt his head toward Lysis, a daring look in his eyes. ?Will you?? Emerald eyes flashed intensely, hinting that he would defend the penguin should she choose to act out against him. Atlas was his first and only friend, and that meant something to the boy. Atlas would raise up onto his feet, waddling toward the pair of them skeptically. You better not get me eaten, was all he could think as he crept up behind Kyarst. He was tall enough that he couldn't hide, but at least he could use the wolf pup as a shield from the larger female. Atlas imagined that, if she wanted to, she could still hurt him - but it didn't seem like she intended to. Chick fluff still lingered in surplus on his grayish underside, while his back was mostly smooth, slick feathers. Soon enough he'd look like an adult - just in a smaller frame.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.