
Say you Like Me

Gargoyle I


03-20-2013, 06:35 PM


Gargoyle was perched upon the cold bare stone of the mountain slopes. With his high shoulders arched over his brooding head he looked lie a bird of prey surveying the snowy fields below. Those yellow eyes could've been a hawks for as much emotion as they showed. Yet it wasn't that the northern drake didn't feel as much as others. Far from it. He'd felt with an intensity that rivaled the flames of hell - in more ways than one. But that was just it. When it came to feelings, those that seemed to always have the most sway over him were the darker passions. Voilence. Bloodlust. All else paled in comparison to such things.

Except where his family was concerned.

No matter how far he'd fallen, on some level, their memory, burning in his chest, had always managed to reach him. In the end it had torn him away from those dark days, and put him once more on the path he was meant to travel. But his face staid stoney, now. He was loathe to twist it into any sort of shape be it snarl or smile, because it reminded him of the hellish grins he'd bared while ripping out throats.

A shudder ran across the male's shoulders. Odd. For, though it was cold as a Polar Bear's butt, he'd never noticed it before. The shudder wasn't at the wind outside, but the storm within.

And yet.... yet there was one who'd somehow found a way to quell those currents. Ocena. It was possible for Gargoyle to get the sight of those blue and red eyes out of his head. How they calmed him - and yet excited him - all at once! He'd never been in love before. In the realm of such feelings he was still only a boy. While his siblings Arcane and Collision had already found mates and had pups, he....well he had Frisk?

That was about it.

And the mink had been making himself rather scarce since he discovered the lady mink population inside Glaciem's borders. Come the season of thawing there were no doubt going to be hundreds of the little baby vermin running about.

And what of Gargoyle? Was he to have no pups?

For so long he hadn't dared hope for such a thing. He was tarnished. Tainted. Dangerous. He didn't deserve to have a family. It wasn't right for him to put them in the shadow of such a danger as himself. But then he'd reunited with Crusdae. He'd found his family. He'd... he'd told Ocena. Not everything - but certainly enough to have warned her off... And then on top of that she'd seen it! A glismpe of his former self when he'd gone hunting in the Souless Forest. ...and yet she staid. She believed in him. She loved him.

"And I love her..."

Garogyle drew himself up to his full height. Ocena had been able to calm him. The sight of her in the woods that day... it had shaken him to the core. Shamed him. Hurt him and yet given him hope. Because no matter how many times he might falter, he was still able to pull himself back up onto the right path. In no small part - thanks to Ocena.

He had to tell her. He had to! Gargoyle leapt from his seat of stone and went careening off through the trees. He knew her scent as well as he knew his own and the minutes of his all out sprint flew by as if nothing. He tracked the little Glaciem huntress towards one of the expanses of timberwoods. Ducking his head under snow sugared boughs, he came at a high lope into a stream severed clearing. She was close. He knew it.

"Ocena!" the male called out in, his eyes peircings the woods. "Ocena! I must speak with you..."


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~