
One Step Forward...



4 Years
01-27-2014, 10:42 PM

Baldur's breathing slowed as he let every twisted thought in his head, ever knot slowly unwind out into the air as he relaxed beside the lake. The wind was humming softly and even the thunder in the distance seemed oddly soothing. He would find his way. He always did. Baldur let his mind shuffle away his thoughts and feelings. Storing them up and locking them away. The past he felt was the greatest prison and he would fight as best he could to move beyond it, to forget it? knowing he'd most likely fail. There were good things, times of laughs and fun that he would cling desperately too. But the rest of it never happened. It simply did not exist outside nightmares. Baldur was a wolf that strode forward, always forward even if it was a hair's breadth at a time.

The large brute's ears flicked at approaching footsteps but they were so soft he pushed them from his mind until he caught the scent of Akemi. His ears fell to the side, tail slapping the ground in annoyance. Great, what was she going to chew his ass out about this time? He didn't turn around to face her.

Balder?? Can... can we talk a moment... please?

He hesitated. Something stirred in his heart at the tenderness with the way she spoke. It was something he hadn't heard in a very long time and? honestly, he wasn't all that angry anymore. Baldur's temper could rise out of nowhere but it was usually very short. Flopping fully on his side his head twisted back to look at his baby sister. "Sure? what's up Akemi?" he said gently, unsure really what to expect from her. When she wasn't raging at him he wasn't quite sure how to react.