


01-28-2014, 04:05 PM

Tea cupped paws of russet would strike the terra of her home with a silence common of one with her tiny frame. Rusty brown banner would sweep across her heels like a furry pendulum, her little hips swaying as she moved across the snowy lands. Her father had told every one of his children to begin fighting, but she was not interested in that. Would she risk her father's wrath and ignore him, or would she be able to loophole her way into avoiding having to learn the physical arts? Well, she had always taken an interest in healing, and it seemed to be something she was good at, what with her calm demeanor and gentle nature- most of the time. Surely someone with a temper like her own could also convince a particularly unwilling patient to let her treat them, right? Bleached features were downcast as she thought, her feet taking her to the den of the Glaciem Sage without her even thinking about it. Orchid toned optics were distant as she kept her gaze on the snow underfoot, thinking about the possibility that she could become Eris' apprentice. Humming a quiet tune to herself, she looked up to find herself at the place she had sought, the tiny healers quarters. The scents of herbs filtered into her sensitive ebony nose, and a small sneeze erupted from her snout, giving her presence away. Screwing up her face in embarrassment, she softly let her sweet alto lyrics fall from her dark lips. ?Eris? Do you have a minute?? She would inquire gently, hoping the woman did. She probably wouldn't be able to work up the nerve to try again, since she was always pained about how awkward she was. Lowering her tiara to peer inside the den, she tried to make out the figure of the surprisingly smaller lady.