
Never Look Back



4 Years
01-27-2014, 11:46 PM
Hobbling along behind his brother, Thor tried his best to keep up without appearing like he was struggling. A bite around his right elbow was healing slowly--far too slowly for his liking--but so far it was on the right track. His only complaint was that it limited the use of the leg. Straightening it all the way pulled on the scabs which would begin to weep which would, in turn, annoy him. His only other option was to baby it; walking either with that paw tucked up or overcompensating each step by leaning to the injured side every time he placed weigh on it so the leg wouldn't have to be fully extended. Thor didn't walk with his paw tucked while Baldur was watching. Ever.

Thor didn't regret leaving The Pack one bit. It had been something he'd been thinking about for quite some time and the incident with Baldur had finally pushed him into action. The union between his mother and uncle had been sickening, but not all that surprising. Vili practically worshiped Hroovitnir and upon his death every move he'd made seemed to be an attempt to become the dead wolf. Baldur's outburst, however, had taken him by surprise. Everything he'd said had resonated with the older brother, but unlike Thor, Baldur had chosen to act on his feelings. It was only right that Thor applaud him by taking his side.

"I saw that." His voice was softer than usual, and teasing. It was only because he was being followed that Baldur didn't see Thor worrying his own injuries. The brute ached, every last inch of him. He couldn't even count the number of marks on his body this time, though thankfully none of them were serious. If not for the skills that had been given to them by their own attackers, the two brothers would probably have been a lot worse off.

He stopped walking once his paws were at the very edge of the lake. This was not a good idea. Everything about it screamed 'you're gonna hurt yourself here!' but no, Baldur didn't pick up on that warning and before Thor could stop him, he was on the ice. Within seconds the brute was down and Thor was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe, each sharp intake of air punctuated by an 'ow!' as his ribs complained.

Finally his mirth devolved into fitful wheezes. Alright, now it was his turn. The brute placed one giant paw out first. He was a bit heavier than Baldur, so further testing was required. Another paw followed, and then other, and finally he was on the ice. Thor paused, waiting for the same fate that Baldur had received, and when it didn't come he looked up to lock uncharacteristically wide eyes with his brother. Now what?

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]